Chains` Wholesale Center: MosHome 2024

At MosHome 2024 the Chains` Wholesale Center was held for the first time. A special zone was organized to conduct purchasing sessions, within which more than 1,000 negotiations were held over three days. More than 100 buyers from federal and regional retail chains and marketplaces and more than 400 suppliers of a wide range of consumer goods took part in them.

1 077negotiations
74%successful sessions
796preliminary agreements

The total amount of signed supply contracts is 167 500 000 USD.

Chains Wholesale Center
MosHome 2024

Such high efficiency was ensured by three months of exhibitor training on the Chains` Wholesale Center Platform. All participants prepared effective commercial proposals in 3 languages, received training in negotiations, and each was accompanied by a business guide and translator.

Among buyers: OZON, Maksidom, Familia, WildBerries, Komandor, Komus, Domovoy, Мebelik, Azbuka Vkusa, Svetofor, Yandex Market, etc.

Negotiations at Chains` Wholesale Center

In addition to the format of organized negotiations, there was also a Business Guide at the exhibition — a format of negotiations at the participants’ stands.

Business Guide
Business Guide at the exhibition