5 reasons to participate in MosHome 2025

Participation in MosHome 2025 will enable you to find new customers and business partners, expand your business and much more

The MosHome exhibition is a professional platform for interaction between industry players. Currently, the Russian market for household goods is actively developing, opening up new opportunities for companies.

In 2025, MosHome International Exhibition of Consumer Goods for House, Garden, Sports and Leisure will take place from 1-4 April at Crocus Expo IEC.

MosHome 2024

Participation in MosHome 2025 is an opportunity for your business:

1. Find new clients and partners

MosHome 2024 was visited by more than 12,200 industry professionals. The visitors included retailers, DIY specialists, wholesalers and distributors, as well as representatives of marketplaces, designers and decorators.

2. Increase sales volume

More than 700 companies took part in MosHome 2024, presenting their products in 9 thematic areas. A clear presentation of products and personal contact contribute to faster purchasing decisions. According to surveys, 82% of visitors influence purchasing decisions in their company.

3. Expand the geography of supply

Specialists came from 74 regions of Russia and 17 countries. This is a great opportunity to organise deliveries of products to new markets and increase brand awareness. Survey results show that 52% of visitors came to the exhibition to find new suppliers.

4. Participate in the Chains` Wholesale Center™

One of the features of the MosHome exhibition is its high commercial potential. By participating in the Chains` Wholesale Center™ platform, your company will be able to negotiate with category managers interested in purchasing goods. In 2024, among the largest buyers included Wildberries, OZON, Azbuka Vkusa, Auchan, Yandex Market and others.

5. Recognise current market trends

The exhibition will be accompanied by a comprehensive business programme, giving you the opportunity to hear the latest information and industry outlook from market experts.

Book a stand at MosHome 2025 and see the tangible business impact of your participation!